Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan making his directorial debut with U Me aur Hum, scheduled to release later this month, says his maiden project brings out the positivity of relationship between a husband and wife.
Ajay who is paired opposite his actress wife of nine years Kajol in the film said it was a simple love story about a man who marries a girl he loves and overcomes all hurdles to maintain the relationship.
"The film doesn't give a sermon on relationships. The audiences will identify with the characters. What is different in the subject is that the film looks at the institution of marriage in a positive way," the actor said.
"A lot of people question the institution of marriage, or blame it when problems arise. I feel that in a marriage, or any relationship for that matter, problems are inevitable."
'Giving up' should be our last option. However, an increasing number of people just prefer to give up at the first sign of trouble, Devgan said.
The actor who began his career with action packed roles, said he felt that relationships, especially marriages need to be nurtured with love, sensitivity and understanding.
"People keep asking me what inspired me to chose this subject and direct a film. To be honest, this is a story straight from my heart. A story, which I strongly believed in," he told reporters.
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